The future of learning
2y ago
Improve Learning With A Trusted Marketing Framework

AIDA, stands for Attention, Interest, Desire, and Action.

It is a successful advertising and marketing model that engages and develops customer understanding. In this essay I'm going to apply it to education. It can help you create lessons that grab attention, spark interest and inspire action.

Here's the breakdown:

Rule #1: Start with Attention

The AIDA model reminds us that effective lessons always get the students' attention. Do this by starting with a question, a statement, or an activity that is relevant and interesting to the students.

This will help them focus and be ready to learn.

Rule #2: Build Interest

Once you have the students' attention, it is important to build their interest in the topic.

A simple way to do this is by providing relevant and engaging examples, stories or case studies. Use different teaching strategies such as interactive activities, group works, real-world connections, etc.

Make them curious to go on the journey.

Rule #3: Create Desire

Once students are interested in the topic, it is important to create a desire for them to learn more and understand the topic.

This can be done by highlighting the benefits of learning the topic, how it will be useful for them in their future and how it can be applied in real life.

Telling them they need to learn it for an exam will kill desire.

Rule #4: Encourage Action

The final step in the AIDA model is encouraging the students to take action.

This can be done by providing opportunities for the students to apply what they have learned through activities, projects, or discussions.

This will help the students internalise the knowledge and make it more meaningful.

The AIDA framework is a useful model for teachers to remember, so they can design lessons that are engaging, relevant, and effective. It's good practice to use these rules as a checklist when planning your lessons, it can help you to create a well-rounded lesson that will captivate your students and inspire learning.

AIDA is a popular advertising framework, because it engages and deepens understanding. That's also the reason why it could be a great learning framework.

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