Heather Larson (she/her) 🚢 🇸🇻
I help you become the architect of your own destiny. Personal development tools for creators: Coaching, Yoga, Meditation, & Reiki.
2y ago
Heather Larson
Kickstart Your Goal Setting with COMET Goals
Heather Larson @WriterHeatherL

Bored with SMART Goals and want to—in the words of chef Emeril Lagasse—kick things up a notch?

You can use this framework with or without SMART Goals. I designed it to help you create more clarity around goal-setting.

I taught SMART Goals as a sober coach, but I often found they didn't resonate with all my clients and were often forgotten.

Let's use a fresh framework!

COMET Goals Start with Consistency

Consistency is the most important thing you need to hit a goal. Use consistency to make regular habits that will lead to wins:

  • C - Consistency

  • O - Ownership

  • M - Meaning / Motivation

  • E - Effort

  • T - Toughness (but not toxic toughness)

Build a consistent habit, take ownership of your actions, find meaning in your goal so you'll feel motivated, make the effort, and be tough about it.

What Can You Consistently Do Each Day?

Create a consistent habit that will get you to your goal.

If the goal is to lose weight, for example, what can you do consistently each day to help your mission?

Then, Take Ownership of Your Actions

This is where you take responsibility for all you do—and don't—do to reach your goal.

Miss a day? That's a slip. Miss a week? That's an issue and you need to look at the reason behind it. Take ownership of whatever it is.

Meaning & Motivation: What's Your Why?

If reaching your goal truly means something to you, you'll find the motivation to follow through when it gets hard. Have an iron-clad why.

What Effort Can You Put In?

What effort are you willing to put in? Are you up to do the work?

Accept That Goals Are Tough & Answer With Toughness

If you're picking easy goals, those aren't goals—they're busy work. That's a to-do list. Challenge yourself! But don't give up. Read further.

Atomic Essay
