All I wanted to do was ship daily and discover what an extended period of consistency would do.
I knew there was something to learn, I just didn't know what it would be.
Here are the interesting side effects I've noticed (so far) from joining the 🚢 #Ship30for30 challenge.
You will up-level your skills
The ship is designed to up-level your digital writing skills, but it's so much more than that. You're also going to put the following to the test:
Social Media
Knowledge management
Time management
Which forces you to improve upon all of the above.
You will become obsessed
At first, I viewed Twitter threads as "hard" and "cumbersome." I couldn't wrap my brain around the many details of doing them well.
Then, I became obsessed with them after I saw how much my first thread was viewed.
I didn't even do it "right" yet so many people were reading it. I was onto something—and determined to understand it.
You will become more aware of your content consumption behaviors
My shipmates helped me realize how important my information diet is because what you consume is what sparks your ideas.
It's like actual food! Garbage in, garbage out!
BONUS: I didn't realize how awesome stoicism is
Now here I am, watching every Daily Stoic video on YouTube and reading Ryan Holiday.
I didn't realize how many people were into this.
The Ship 30 vibe made me curious about stoicism. It's so appealing and in alignment with my beliefs—and I never even realized it!