Omar M. Khateeb
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2y ago

There are a lot of podcasts on the subject of #persuasion

But the one I keep coming back to, over and over again, is Coffee with Scott Adams by @ScottAdamsSays

Here are 3 reasons why I recommend blocking time each week to study his episodes:

Reason #1: Persuasion Frameworks

Scott always brings a memorable (and applicable) framework to understanding persuasion.

Reason #2: Persuasion in the Wild

When you read about persuasion its usually an academic study. Scott teaches his audience about persuasion in real-time based on what's happening in the news.

Reason #3: Daily Application

No matter what I always walk away with daily applications of persuasion when I listen to his show.

As a beginner, I promise—this is one of the most helpful resources on the Internet you can sink your teeth into to learn persuasion.

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