Kasey Jones
I write about personal growth and entrepreneurship -- on here, Twitter, LinkedIn, and newsletter.highgrowthfounders.co | πŸŽ™host of http://HighGrowthFounders.com
2y ago

And how it impacts entrepreneurs' ability to build successful businesses

I wouldn't call myself an expert in trauma.

However, after I experienced my own life-threatening trauma, I spent 2 years reading and learning about how prevalent trauma is and how few people realize they are coping with its results.

And I have probably spent 100s of hours dismantling and healing from the results of my own traumas β€” the attack that spurred this fascination and the other more subtle traumas that came before it.

Here's how I first got interested in Trauma:

2+ years ago, I was attacked by a dog. I was sure he would kill me, but he didn't. I survived and over the next few months, as I worked to heal physically and emotionally from the experience, I realized I had a lifetime of trauma to unpack.

I learned that there are two kinds of trauma. Trauma like what I went through. Life-threatening. And the trauma that we all go through β€” more mild, subtle, and sustained β€” toxic relationships, chronic health issues, stressful work environments, career failures, etc.

Those experiences do the same mental damage as life-or-death traumas, but we don't treat the same. We don't give ourselves the time, space, and care to heal. We just press on. To our detriment.

So my goal over the next year is:

  • Share more about how I unpacked the baggage of my own personal traumas

  • The way this work has helped me better know myself and what I want

  • The impact this work has had on my business and career

  • Strategies and frameworks you can employ to do this discovery and heal yourself

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