Adam J. Hillis
Crafting educational email courses for the personal development coach/creator who impacts family men. || I juggle marriage, kids, and words.
1y ago
The Best Statement I Heard on How to Have a Long Marriage
Adam J. Hillis

A year ago I was listening to a podcast and heard an unforgettable statement.

Being married for 15 years (with a lot of bumps along the way) I'm always interested in how people make it to "death do us part." My wife and I have made so many mistakes and teetered on divorce more than once.

How are we still together?

One day this unknown gentleman on an unknown podcast unlocked it for me:

"We never quit at the same time."

That day, it felt like my entire history of marital fights was viewed differently.

With this new lens I saw how, when things got really bad, there was always one of us that was trying more than the other. Even in the anger and pain, one of us hung on to the marriage more than the other.

That kept us together.

Which was long enough to eventually work things out.

The majority of my marriage has been good. But there have certainly been some dark days, weeks, and months. At times one of us threatened to leave. Threatened to be done being married and done having a family.

But we never quit at the same time.

One of us always held on for the other.

One of us always had to be the stronger one.
