Adam J. Hillis
Crafting educational email courses for the personal development coach/creator who impacts family men. || I juggle marriage, kids, and words.
1y ago
I Just Helped My Kid and Feel Like the Worst Parent Ever...
Adam J. Hillis

We noticed it, and wondered, quite a while back.

But with the lock-downs, and pandemic, and all that we just sorta let it go. It didn't seem that bad. Our son was just fine.

Then we went out to dinner and realized how bad it was...

Our 8-year-old son looked across the restaurant at the big TV and announced the football score to the table.

He was way off... the poor kid couldn't see.

That led to finally getting to the pediatrician. Which got us a referral to an eye doctor. And the obvious next step of getting glasses.

His glasses arrived today and he couldn't stop talking about them.

Every 10 minutes he'd slide his new eye wear down his nose, tell us what he was looking at across the room, describe it's blurry outline, then slide the glasses back up and say how much he LOVES them.

I feel like I let my son down.

We saw the signs and were pretty sure he needed help.

But we didn't think it was that bad. So we let it go on longer than it needed to. Now that he can see clearly I feel awful we didn't get him checked sooner. There was no need for him to struggle this long.

As involved parents, I think we get sort of "tuned in" to our kids.

It's important to pay attention to the things that set our antennae off.

I realize this is just some glasses. We didn't ignore signs of cancer, or something more serious than being able to see clearly beyond 6 feet.

But I just want to say to other parents, trust yourself.

You know your kid. Don't let things slide.
