Becky Pierson
Helping Creators & Founders build community-driven products | Leading product @teambossbabe serving a community of 4M female entrepreneurs
2y ago
Set your north star company; light the path to your tech career
Becky Pierson

Finding the right role in tech when you are first starting out is tricky. It's hard to know what the options are.

Maybe you dream of working at Spotify, Instagram or Tesla, but those jobs can be tough to land (as a first role) and you might find something that is a better fit at a smaller, lesser known company.

So how do you find an ideal company for your first role?

Start with what you know. What are some companies you think might be exciting to work for? Dream big! You'll expand on this list in the next step.

For each company, write down:

  • Why are you interested in it?

  • What kind of products do they create?

  • What are the qualities in this company that appeal to you?

Let's say you're interested in working at Uber. Uber is in the business of transportation and delivery. Research to find other companies in these industries until you find one that fits the qualities you've listed above.

My North Star was Bynd.

When I pivoted my career from architecture to tech, I set my sights on Bynd, an agency focused on customer experience.

I went to events they hosted at their San Francisco office, read every case study they had published, met with any employee that would talk to me (and bought them a coffee) and followed their every move.

I didn't get a job at Bynd, but everything I learned from them helped me land my job as a Product Designer at Spire Digital, an agency in Denver.

Don't skip this step. We narrow the focus to light the path.

Selecting a north star company will allow you to focus your projects, materials and learning path. You will reach your goal faster, with more clarity.

The more passionate and excited you are about the products you'll build, the better chance you'll have to (1) land the role and (2) succeed and grow.

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