Cecilia Valdes-Brito
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1y ago
Essay #15: Transferring into a New Institution
Cecilia Valdes-Brito

As a new student attending Miami-Dade College, I would have never thought about transferring to another institution so soon. As I walked into my first Interdisciplinary Honors class one of the first things we had talked about was transferring into our dream schools. Many people already had their answers and some did not. I was one of the students that did not have an answer. I had never really thought about going anywhere else other than Miami-Dade College because I had just decided to attend school there. 

It was very interesting to learn about the different schools that I could transfer to because I had never really talked about it before. The amazing thing about transferrin is that it can be significantly easier to get accepted into your dream school. This is mainly because there are not as many transfers applying as first year students. It is amazing what transferring can do because it can change your life for the better. 

If you had any school in mind that you wanted to switch to, going to community college can make it significantly easier while still getting a higher education. Normally people believe that community college is not really a good place to receive your education, but it truly is. No matter what you decide to do there's really no wrong answer and you should always look into different schools to see what you may like. you may never know what you end up transferring or going to at the end of it all.
