Published Nov 19, 2022

Chungking Express has romance like I've never seen before


By Cole Mathis

UNCW Film Studies Major, Class of 2025

Romance films commonly seem to go by the same formula. When I discovered Wong Kar-wai films, I realized how unique they can be. They do not have to follow that same formula.


Wong Kar-wai's distinct style

I may not have discovered Wong Kar-wai were it not for my good friend. I watched Fallen Angels with him, my introduction to the director. I loved the film, being enchanted by its uniqueness to anything I have seen before.

The next film from the director that I watched was In the Mood for Love, an even more well written love story than Fallen Angels. The acting in the movie was phenomenal, especially from Tony Leung Chiu-wai.

In the Mood for Love was not the only fantastic Kar-wai film featuring Chiu-wai. Six years earlier, the two worked together on a film that would become Wong Kar-wai's most well known: Chungking Express.

Chungking Express was my most recent watch, and my favorite.

A story about two police officers


Chungking Express is a film about two love stories, both following a police officer in Hong Kong.

The first is a young man who had recently been dumped by the woman he was in love with. He has become lonely, calling any woman that he knows that might be single. The second follows an officer that is a bit older, but he has also had a recent lost love. A young woman begins to become infatuated with him as the film progresses.

One unique aspect of Chungking Express is the inclusion of both stories. The first is brief, while the second story lasts for the majority of the film, but both stories are beautifully done.

Passing faces

Throughout our lives, people come and go. You may meet someone that you think will become a big part of your life, and yet that is not the case. There may be someone that you meet that seems insignificant at first, but one day you marry them.

This film illustrates this concept perfectly. Typically in romance films, there are intimate connections and the couple may even get married.

In Chungking Express, the characters are not even in a relationship. The characters do not even kiss, they hardly even touch each other.

Long drawn out looks, going out of each's way to see the other, there are many little signs of connection and love. This film is subtle and that makes the love feel so real.


Final thoughts

I am very glad to have watched this movie. The uniqueness and distinct way that it shows love and loneliness. I would recommend Chungking Express to anyone that wants to watch a genuinely great film, as well as anyone who the themes might resonate with.

Thank you for reading!
