Eva Murray
Lead Evangelist @snowflakeDB & Career Coach for women in data 👩🏻‍💻 • I write about career development and public speaking • Community builder and author
2y ago
Your work will have more impact if you ask your stakeholders what they truly need, and listen to their response
Eva Murray

When you're passionate about your work it's easy to go out, all guns blazing, and create something great.

Or at least YOU think it's great. It could be of no use for your stakeholders, but you don't know because you never asked them what they need.

I've been there myself and here's what I changed

Not everyone sees the value of your work as clearly as you do and that's okay.

When you have an idea for your next analysis project and you're convinced it will be valuable for the business, stop and pause for a minute.

Rather than selling the business on YOUR idea, hold your thought and go to your stakeholders for some 'market research'. Ask open-ended questions and genuinely listen to the answers. Dig deeper until you've understood what people need.

When you get to that point, float your ideas and see whether they resonate. How do people respond?

It's hard to put the ego aside and take on all the feedback, but your work will be better if you let your stakeholders guide you on what's truly important for them.

Then go build it. Keep up regular communications with the business and iterate as you go.

Over time, you'll have a much better sense of what your colleagues need and what makes a difference for them. And your new ideas - they'll be more likely to hit the mark.
