Francisco Martinez
I help aspiring sales professionals lead a career of influence
2y ago

Do you feel stuck in your 9 to 5?

Here's how I went from mediocre rep to making a name for myself:

1. Shift your perspective

It wasn't my sales job's fault I hated what I was doing.

It was my fault. I let myself believe lies about sales. I had to learn that I could sell in a meaningful way and bring my mission with me.

Once I mentally shifted, I began to thrive.

2. Create a Personal Leadership Script to guide you

My PLS is a blueprint of how I influence and do my best work.

It explains my convictions, how I am built and motivated, take action, lead, and what kind of team I need to surround myself with. Now I can double down on my zone of genius.

3. Discover and own a problem you can solve

Early in my career, I took the opportunity to shift my role and fulfill a need the company had.

This allowed me to specialize in a way no one else did. This gave me eyes to see new problems no one was addressing. I was able to own and solve that problem according to my PLS.

This established my reputation and skyrocketed my career.

4. Ask mentors for tactics on how to

I couldn't turn my career around by myself.

I needed to turn to my personal board of advisors. One constantly encouraged me with the right mindset. The other gave me tactics to implement in my new role.

Without that help, I couldn't have built my career.

5. Prepare your mind to grind and get to work.

You have to know that building a remarkable career is not easy.

Make it a rule to own up and show up every day. Being diligent and persevering is the name of the game.

Don't work more hours, just work smart.

6. No matter what, seek to enrich the lives of others.

No matter what you do, do it for the sake of others.

When you seek to leave a mark on those you serve you become worthy of remark and make a name for yourself.
