Francisco Martinez
I help aspiring sales professionals lead a career of influence
2y ago

Want to make the most of the 9 to 5?

Discover your zone of influence.

Most people desire to leave the 9 to 5 because they feel they can't make a difference right where they are. Side hustles and solopreneurship is the self-proclaimed light at the end of the tunnel. But, the truth is the grass is always greener where you water it.

In other words, making a difference is a choice you can make today by discovering your zone of influence.

The zone of influence is more than just:

  • Determining your unique personhood: personality, passions, interests, talents, strengths, and skills.

  • Achieving self-fulfillment by doing work you love

  • Finding your purpose

Your zone of influence goes beyond your zone of genius

It is your unique personhood in pursuit of a unique problem to solve

It is applying how you influence (personhood) towards who you want to impact and/or what kind of impact you want.

For example, I went from hating my sales job to leading an influential sales career

  1. I shifted my perspective about my career by choosing to help for the sake of others

  2. I switched roles that allowed me to be an entrepreneur and launch a "start up" within the company.

  3. I took my entrepreneurial spirit and skills to work to solve a problem nobody was solving (lack of sales in this new market)

Discovering my zone of influence took me from loathing my career to loving it.

All the while leading others make significant impact.
