Kira Reyna
Welcome to my Social Blog
2y ago

One of the most invaluable skills that you can develop is resourcefulness.

People like having someone around who is capable and doesn't require hand-holding or constant instruction on every little task-- someone who is independent.

Becoming resourceful enables you to be that independent person.

  1. Find an expert on what you need information on and reach out to them-- people love discussing what they're passionate or knowledgeable on. If they don't want to talk or don't have the time, they'll tell you.

  2. Do your research. Don't skimp out; be thorough. Read up on it. Go to the library or find articles online that evaluate different perspectives on your topic so that you gain a more complete understanding of it.

  3. Be realistic with yourself about your capabilities (which includes both your strengths and weaknesses) and where you might need more support or further information. This will help you to identify to help you get done what you need to get done.

  4. Be persistent. If you aren't getting the results that you want, don't just throw in the towel. See the possible solutions instead of just the roadblocks and problems you're encountering.

  5. Brainstorm with other people. Everyone has a different way of thinking and can bring different perspectives to the table. This will help you come up with new ideas and solutions. You can also bounce ideas off of other people and simply see what bounces back.

Remember that you can apply every single one of these steps to every aspect of your life. This isn't exclusive to just your professional life or just your personal life.
