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Published Jan 26, 2024

Win over your prospects with these 5 psychology backed tips for building trust


By Lalindra Ranatunga

eCommerce Ops Executive @ 6IXSENSES Digital with +3 years of experience. I mainly talk about blogging, eCommerce, copywriting.


Social Proof

When our friends or people we trust show they like something by wearing it, using it, or talking about it, it makes us think that thing is cool or good.

People often hop on the bandwagon, which means they start liking or doing something just because others are doing it. It's like everyone joining in on a trend or idea.

Make Direct Eye Contact

It's all about confidence.

It helps you concentrate and focus all the while you show how confident you are in what you are saying or presenting.

But don't overdo it. It'll make your prospect feel uncomfortable. Try looking them in the eye for a max of 7 to 10 seconds at a time.

Use FOMO to your advantage

People care more about what they'll lose by not getting the deal than what they'll gain from buying.

Use FOMO to your advantage. Make the deal seem urgent or limited like it's only available for a short time or with special pricing.

This makes them realize what they'll miss if they don't act quickly.

The Name Of The Game: Consistency

Rome wasn't built in a day, so is building trust over your prospects.

If you promise something to your prospects, make sure to keep your word and follow through with what you said during the process, especially over a long period.

Never stop smiling

Gaining trust is important, but you know what's more important?

Being overly serious will make your prospect dislike you.

So give your best genuine smile and keep things friendly.

It can go a long way in creating a positive connection.

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