Lawrence Durham
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2y ago

And you can too

Photo by Rana Sawalha on Unsplash

Many people retire when they hit their sixties, but not me.

 “Sit back,” they say. “You’ve earned your retirement.” To which I say, “Hell, no!” I refuse to sit in the proverbial rocking chair on the front porch and fade into the sunset.

Here are three solid reasons why I know launching a new career at 62 is best for me:

Reason #1: It's better for me emotionally

The purpose of life is a life of purpose.

We all want a reason to get up in the morning. I know that having a strong purpose will provide me with an equally strong identity.

I love learning. Working on new projects will force me to keep up to date with technology and current trends. Trying new things allows me to stay engaged, stimulated, and involved. And of course, helping other people lets me give back to society.

I love working with other people. Social interaction reduces isolation.

As they say, "If you stop growing emotionally, you wither and die," and I choose to live a vibrant and passionate life instead.

Reason #2: It's better for my health

Working into retirement will literally keep me alive.

Research supports that those who continue to work into retirement are healthier. Other research shows that it lowers the chance of death from all causes. Work gives routine and structure to life and improves mental health.

And I know that continuing to work will keep me more physically active.

Reason #3: It's better for me financially

Not that money is everything, but by earning into my retirement years, I'm setting myself up for success.

I'm creating multiple income streams, not drawing on my savings, and continuing to plow money into my retirements accounts where it can grow tax-free. And here's the bonus: in general, every year I don’t avail myself of government pension plans between age 62 and age 70, my benefits grow by 8 percent annually.

With no mortgage, debts, and fewer financial responsibilities, I'm thinking, "why not see what I can do?"

For some, 62 signals the end. But, for me, it's just the beginning.

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