Lawrence Durham
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2y ago

This time, it can be all about you

Photo by Christina @ on Unsplash

If you're in your fifties or sixties and you're itching to try something new career-wise, you're in for a treat.

The pressure is off. You're more in control than ever before. And this time you can focus on what's good for YOU.

As someone who has already launched their second career, I'm excited to share three reasons why your NEXT career can be your BEST career.

Reason #1: You don't have to put up with the same constraining opinions of others the second (or third) time around

So many times, the opinions of others stifle our lives.

They mold us into what others want us to be. They slowly squash our dreams and hopes. They extinguish any flicker of hope.

For over three decades, I worked in healthcare as a registered nurse. I enjoyed my patients and colleagues, and while I never complained about the healthcare system, I must admit the regulatory nature of the profession and the conforming hospital environment were both suffocating at times. Since retiring from the hospital a year ago, I have been able to reinvent myself. And I’ve been busier than ever. So, what happened?

I started nurturing interests that had been pushed to the back burner. I started working on myself. And I started going outside my comfort zone.

I made different choices and now free of constraints, I am inspired to be the best version of me that I can be.

Reason #2: You aren't experiencing the same financial pressures

Mortgage payments, debts, and childcare expenses all weigh heavily on the decisions you make early in your working life.

Sometimes you choose to stay in a career long after it remained interesting. Maybe you stayed for the stability, security, or benefits. Perhaps a career change earlier in your life represented more risk than you were willing to tolerate.

But now, free of some or all of those financial pressures, you realize that you can make different choices: part-time, full-time, volunteering, or running your own business are all viable options when you are not burdened by financial necessity.

Reason #3: You have the luxury of saying, "No!"

Of all three reasons, this is the most fun.

After years of being compliant, it's kinda nice to be in a position where you can just say, "NO" when you feel like it. Setting proper boundaries is something we should always be doing, but now it becomes even easier.

If you don't care what others think and you don't really need the money, you can more easily set limits on what you will and won't do. You can adopt the attitude that "they need me more than I need them." Surprisingly, once you take that stand, employers and customers often will adapt to your wishes. It doesn't hurt that the current labor shortage has tilted the tables in your favor. So take a stand and assert your wishes.

Of course, this all assumes that you always bring your A-game. If you provide value, you will get what you want and need.

After slugging it out for years, you deserve it this time around.

Now, get out there and pursue your BEST career

And if you've had interesting experiences with your late-career choices, please do share them.

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