Leo Hepis
I explore our mental models shaping software testing, management, and society | Discerning truth from narrative | Building better human systems.
1y ago

Everywhere I glance, there is yet more software and website tools for writing.

Over the last four decades, I explored dozens of writing tools. Tools to

‣ capture ideas

‣ transform ideas

‣ and compile them into impactful text

But the most important writing tool I discovered you can take with you anywhere you go, as it requires no digital device.

It requires only pen, paper, and you.


What is Clustering?

Clustering visually captures on a page insights you probably didn't know you had.

How does it go?

📌1: Start with a nucleus word (in the example image: clustering), which you write and circle on the upper third of a blank page.

You will soon discover some nuclei carry more "energy" for you than others and are better suited for clustering.

Capitalize on that.

📌2: Write and then circle the next word or short phrase that comes to mind. Draw an arrow from the word that prompted it.

Once you get the hang of this, you won't have to go looking for the next word. It will simply present itself to you.

Indeed, you'll struggle to keep up with your brainstorming.

📌3: Avoid judging, editing, correcting, or any critical activity.

Kill the inner critic.

This gets easier with practice.

Just as you wouldn't allow judging and debate during brainstorming with others, don't judge and debate yourself during your personal brainstorming.

📌4: Keep the pen moving, to maintain flow. If the mind temporarily goes blank, doodle over existing circles and arrows.

An idle mind will veer into judgment...

Keep the body moving and the mind will move too.

📌5: Continue until you have an "aha" moment: a strong sense of clarity of what to write.

Even newbies to clustering easily discover an "aha" moment inevitably shows up.

It is most pronounced when what you set out to write dramatically shifts during and because of clustering.

📌6: Immediately after the "aha" moment, draft underneath the cluster.

Glance at or altogether ignore your cluster. Either way, your writing will be miles ahead, because your mind has already been primed during clustering.

Clustering surfaces the insights you already have 👈🏼

Try Clustering Now!

Grab a blank page or your tablet/stylus. Try clustering right now.

Suggested nuclei:

‣ success

‣ move

‣ joy

‣ loss

‣ nature

‣ ideal job

(or whatever is on your mind today)

Try a verb. Try a noun. Which propels you the most?


"Writing the Natural Way", by Gabriele Rico, Ph.D.


♦ cluster on a nucleus word

♦ clustering surfaces insights

♦ enable that "aha" moment, then draft

First time using this tool? I want to read what you wrote! Post it below, or post as a separate article.

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