Melody Corredera
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1y ago
Day 15: How Organization Can Improve Mental Health
Melody Corredera

If you've ever walked into a messy room looking for a specific item and failed to find it, then you probably understand why being organized is so important. Many of us fail to make our beds in the morning or "forget" to put our laundry away. However, organization can actually make us happier so we must overcome the temptation to leave things lying around and out of place.

After a long day of school or work, coming home to a clean house can have instant relief on our mood. Personally, I know that when I come home after school and walk into a messy room, it decreases my motivation to do anything at all. So, organization can actually help increase productivity. By maintaining a clean house and work area, you'll actually feel much more motivated to get work done. If you walk into a messy area, you'll feel uninspired and lazy because of the cleaning you know needs to take place before you can move on to more pressing matters.

For those suffering with depression, the inability to maintain a clean bedroom or house is a common symptom. The best way to begin getting out of a depression slump is to clean up your room. Retired Navy Admiral William H. McRaven even wrote a popular book called "Make Your Bed: Little Things That Can Change Your Life...And Maybe the World." This is one of the most popular motivational works of literature out there and the author agrees on the discipline that organization can help create.

To work improve on your organization, start everyday off by making your bed. Then, ensure your laundry is in its proper place and your study area is well-maintained. Not only will organization set you up for success, but it will improve your mental health and therefore, your self-care.
