Pillars of Progress 16/100 Tweet Hunter Challenge
Welcome to my Typeshare account. My online name is Momo, and you'll find daily updates on all things productivity and business growth on my Twitter account
1y ago

You're 2 months into your Twitter journey -

and you're going to quit

I don't want you to - so, let's look at why people's attention drifts >>>

Here are the two reasons why people stick or quit:



Ask yourself this question:

Q1 - what's the main task I'm focusing on

Q2 - why am I focusing on it?

If I ask you these questions today, can you answer them?

Could you confidently speak about your primary task for more than 5 minutes?

Are you struggling to answer these questions?

Answer them both with gusto - you're all good - off you go to the timeline champ

Answer them with hesitation or struggle - let's examine it

We're going to flip the order & start with purpose

You should create content with purpose

And the driving force leads to your larger goal

e.g., Bob wants to make $500pm affiliate promo

Bob tweets with that purpose - every post

Here's an example of Bob f*cking up:

Bob throws out some clumsy tweets with links, but at least it's with the OG purpose

Then Bob starts posting about mindset

Now he's copy & pasting platitudes

FFS - now he's giving trading tips

Result - Bob is all over the place with his content

That's because he either doesn't know what his purpose is

or is struggling with focus issues

It's likely a bit of column A & column B

Now let's look at Bobette

Bobette is also on the affiliate marketing vibe

She tweets about her journey as an affiliate marketer

She drops golden tips that add value for people a step or 2 behind her

Her lead magnet solves an initial problem

She sprinkles her personality into each post

People love her content & she's building authority

It's a no-brainer to sign up to her email list

See the difference? Bob has no focus or purpose

Bobette is killing it because she has laser-sharp focus & does everything with purpose

Focus & purpose are symbiotic

You need to focus to have purpose

& that resulting purpose requires dedicated focus

The difference is that focus inevitably drifts, especially if sales are slow & you're feeling deflated

If you're at this stage - the 2-3 month curse -

Then you need to redouble your focus

Becoming narrow-minded - invite tunnel vision

The process is the only purpose you're serving

Pro-tip: give yourself a long timeline

e.g., my target is 1 long-ass year to reach my initial goals

They're not huge - 4-figure from Twitter as a side hustle & 2000 followers

That's it - I'm keeping it simple

Because that how to win

Reason why I've failed in the past?


I wanted to have a presence on every social

I had a content list that was impressive in scope & never worked in reality

I'm sick of failing after 3 months

I'm tired of returning to the drawing board

I don't need more strategy

I need two things:

Focus & purpose

My friends, that's all you need as well

I recently created & published a mini-course that covers the foundations for sticking with Twitter. Click here to download it for free - I'll be uploading all my lead magnets on there, plus bonus lessons regularly.

Go well, my good people

Your friend,

