Peter Rosso
I mostly explore topics on how to think better and then write about them | My ADHD might guide me elsewhere šŸŽ“ Final year PhD Student (Refactoring CAD)
2y ago
3 Questions That Will Make Decluttering Easier
Peter Rosso

Moving and decluttering can be painful, so let me give you some tips.

I moved house nine times, most of those moves while living abroad. It can be trickier when you are away from home as you might not have the same support. Decluttering is one easy strategy to make your move easier.

So how can you get rid of things and make your life easier?

Ask yourself the right questions.

Asking the right questions, I have already gotten rid of 25% of my things.

You could randomly get rid of things, but by asking the right questions, you will understand if something is worth your time, energy, and attention to be moved to a new house.

When was the last time I wore it or used it?

If something is not getting used, it is likely time to get rid of it.

Martha Stewart asked this question. This is how I decluttered most of my T-shirts. I had a few that I bought ten years ago, and I didn't like them anymore.

How much do I value this item?

Keeping something will take some of your time, energy, money or attention.

If you value something emotionally (does this item spark joy?) or economically (is it invaluable to repair or substitute?), then you should keep it. Otherwise, why let it take up more space?

What kind of new home are you trying to create?

Constraints are essential in design.

When designing the space you would like to be in, are there things you don't use or value much that you could sell, recycle, or donate? Are you taking a step closer to the space you would like to live in?
