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Published Jul 30, 2024

Amateurs and Professionals - From Boredom to Success


By Roy Terje Solheim

Digital Writer, digital entrepreneur, pilot, coffee lover☕️, love martial arts, airplanes and space crafts. Keep it simple and Hurry Slowly in life, business and sports.

I just finished reading the book Atomic Habits by James Clear for the second time and am well into reading it for the third time.

The book is good, very good. Even if the advice within the book is self-explanatory, it carries a ton of wisdom.

To sum it up in a few words, James Clear says that everyone can change their current situation and habits through minor, incremental adjustments.

«Enjoy the little things in life, for someday you will realize they were the big things» - unknown

Keep It Simple and Hurry Slowly

I have a motto, call it a framework, that I have been practicing since I was a kid. It goes like this;

«Keep It Simple and Hurry Slowly»

I think it speaks for itself.

I wasn´t fully aware of it until about 4 to 5 years ago. But when I became aware of it and looked back at what I had achieved since childhood, I saw a pattern in my approach to every challenge and obstacle in my life.

I saw a pattern of simplicity and allowing time to learn, evaluate, and put into practice what I learned. 

I saw a pattern of taking the time to repeat everything until what I was working on stuck and started to generate results.

I read everything several times, took notes, reviewed my notes, and put what I studied into practice.

I stayed «in the fight» until I achieved what I wanted.

Even if it was tedious, repetitive, and mind-blowingly boring, I kept pushing forward.

Sign of a little bit of insanity?

«Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.» Often attributed to Albert Einstein, but there is no firm evidence that it was he who said it

Yeah maybe. Didn't someone say that a genius are borderline insane :-D

But in the end, look at where it got me;

  • A pilot

  • An officer

  • Flying search and rescue missions, saving lives for almost 20 years

  • Still an active athlete, still competing at 59 years of age

Getting Into The Online Marketing Economy

After several years as a pilot, my time for retirement is quickly approaching. 

To prepare for what is coming, I have been exploring options for doing something entirely different for several years.

There are a lot of options, but there are some that resonate better than others, and I started to think why not work online, starting an online business, since I have a background in computers, network administration, mastering MS Office developement and web design?

The bonus would be the possibility to travel and work from anywhere.

Sounds familair...? :-)

…and I got into blogging and affiliate marketing in 2020.

Taking the Professional Path

Until today I have been «fiddling around» with affiliate marketing. But at this specific point in time, having the date of my retirement mind, it means to mix my competence from my daytime profession with my competence in online marketing and double down on my efforts to make sure my online business will give me the results I seek.

I am refining a framework based on my motto of Keep it Simple and Hurry Slowly, making sure to «de-complicate» the process of online writing and online marketing.

Treat your business and dreams serious.

For me online writing and online business are no different from my current profession or being an aging athlete.

And I didn't expect it to be.

The brutal reality is that you can't get anything without putting anything into it.

The road travelled to success can and will be painful at times and might become overwhelming.

Despite all the bright, shiny promises many marketers throw at you, you have to do the hard work yourself to build a rock-solid business foundation.

There is no exception from it.

You have to meet up every day and put in all the work that moves the needle for your online business.

In sports you have to do the same painful training sessions again and again to get closer to that gold medal you dream of.

But boy.... when you achieve the end goal, every drop of blood, sweat, and tears spilled is worth it.

I know this so well from meeting my own huge goals both in my professional life as a pilot and as an athlete.

The Difference Between Amateurs and Professionals

«If you fall down, make sure you fall on your back. Because if you can look up, you can get up again» - Les Brown

I hope you catch my meaning, my message of simplicity and of professionalism.

The old philosophers have taught it since the dawn of time.

It is written in the Bible, in Eastern philosophy, and it is practiced successfully in sports, business and in the armed forces, to name a few areas.

If you intend to become good at anything and succeed in reaching your dreams, visions, and goals, you must stay upright every day despite the pain, boredom, and adversity you might encounter.

«Professionals stick to the schedule, amateurs let life get in the way. Professionals know what is important to them and work towards it with purpose, amateurs get pulled off course by the urgencies of life.» - Atomic Habits, James Clear

If you give up after your first attempt, that´s the end of it, the end of your dream. You will not make it to your goal. That is the way of an amateur. You will be staying exactly where you´re currently at.

A professional embraces the art of simplicity, repetition, and boredom until she or he starts seeing results and then keeps on pushing forward to another level of excellence and then another.

I hope you have enjoyed reading my thoughts and if so that you would like to share them with your friende and followers.
