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Published Jul 2, 2024

From Overwhelm to Clarity: A Writer's Journey in Digital Marketing


By Roy Terje Solheim

Digital Writer, digital entrepreneur, pilot, coffee lover☕️, love martial arts, airplanes and space crafts. Keep it simple and Hurry Slowly in life, business and sports.

Starting as a writer and marketer online can seem simple but confusing. Usually, you get advice to create a strategy for what you want to achieve. The following four elements are the overarching and very broad elements of a digital marketing strategy;

1. Define clear objectives and goals

2. Identify the target audience and create buyer personas

3. Select appropriate digital marketing channels

4. Develop a content marketing plan

At first, the four key elements will seem logical and self-explanatory. However, when you sit down and try to implement them, you will more often than not hit the wall if it is the first time you do this.

A Quick Trip Back in Time and Lessons Learned.

I started a blog in 2020 to earn a little extra money through affiliate marketing on top of my 9-to-5 job.

I found a platform that had an "all-included" solution, which at the time seemed like a good way to get started.

The 4 elements of a digital marketing strategy, or writing strategy, are the same and are taught on the platform, but in my opinion, they are too brief.

The platform offered a hosting service (managed WordPress hosting), blogging and affiliate marketing courses, Live classes, a thriving community, and a very reasonable subscription price.

But nothing stays the same; every platform evolves. It will soon cease to exist if it doesn´t evolve and adjust to an ever-changing world.

We can all agree that the first impression of a platform or service is seldom the reality.

The same thing has happened to the platform in question.

Pricing changed, limitations to the hosting service were introduced, WordPress plugins were suddenly disabled, members were seemingly banned by the platform at "random," and old and outdated tutorials were never updated.

I left the platform due to some of the abovementioned factors, but it all came down to a few technical questions.

I needed more control over DNS settings, which was impossible on the platform without requesting site support.

However, having said the above, I learned a lot from my time as a subscriber, and I think the platform is suited for new blog writers/marketers with no relevant knowledge about WordPress for the first year or so.

Looking back and considering my own reasons for getting started, I may have been better served by choosing another method and platform.

I should have gone directly into affiliate marketing or just started writing, which I could have done on my own blog when I think about it.

Current Status

After 4 years of trying to build an online presence, I would have loved to say that I am at the six-figure level in terms of monetary milestones and several thousands of followers on my blog and social media channels.

The truth is, I am not anywhere near such goals.

But there are other benefits to staying in the fight for the last four years.

I have learned a lot more about myself, developed a deeper knowledge of so-called "scams," and gained good insight into the different options for succeeding in online marketing.

I call it a battlefield, which is the word's very meaning.

The Pitfalls of a Digital Business

So, you, as my reader, might ask why I haven´t done well if I have acquired the know-how.

Some keywords to it are:

Overwhelm, bright shiny objects, bad advice, wrong advice, outdated advice, too much noise, and getting lost in the online business jungle, getting dragged into the social activity of a very engaged community instead of focusing on productivity.

Further, overpriced memberships and courses that "over-promise" the output from the course, toxic masterminds, and VIP communities. Not to forget too much going on simultaneously, personally and at my daytime job.

I hit the wall big time... burnout.

However, the one thing that stands out is ignoring the one thing that would drive me toward my goals and milestones: sit at my desk and write blog post after blog post.

A Brief Summary of Lessons Learned

  • Keep It Simple and Hurry Slowly!

  • Focusing on too many things at a time will make you hit the wall hard.

  • Multi-tasking is an illusion of productivity.

  • Do not listen to so-called gurus or self-proclaimed coaches. You will get distracted and diverted from where you want to go.

  • Bright, shiny objects and quick solutions are nothing more than that. In the best case, you will lose time and money.

  • A community of people with the same goal or focus as yourself can be a great asset. But remember your own goals and milestones. You have to work on your own needle-moving tasks. Don´t get lost in the community.

  • You do not need to buy every available tool, software, or course. Choose one that will serve your "core" purpose or create an app that does what you need.

  • You will usually do great with a laptop, Google Docs/Sheets, and a free plan with one Email Service Provider.

My Way Forward

I am "retiring" my websites and focusing on writing online (Typeshare, Medium, Substack, Twitter, and LinkedIn) and learning AI.

From now on, my websites will be more of the landing page/one-page sites.

Nicolas Cole and Dickie Bush have set me straight with their framework and "blueprint" for writing online.

So, I promise to write daily for one hour without distractions and publish whatever I write wherever it will most likely be read.

I will also ensure my email list is well served through Newsletters.

My current niches are digital writing, sports/martial arts for aging athletes (55+), and good health through proper food and nutrition.

These niches have been a passion of mine since I was a kid, and I am returning to my roots, so to speak, and enjoying every minute of it.

I feel that my energy levels are getting up to normal again without the feeling of overwhelm.

I hope you enjoyed this short piece and hope to see you soon again.
