Ryan Hidalgo
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1y ago
Drink More Water to Help You Progress in the Gym Especially as a College Student
Ryan Hidalgo

Most of the human body is made of water so drinking a lot of it, especially when you start working out as a College student, is a great idea that will help you out massively.

Most people don't drink enough water in their day-to-day lives, which isn't ideal, but if you start working out, especially in the gym, it becomes even more important to drink water.

Your body works very hard if you are doing things right in the gym, so it needs water to help it recover from all the fatigue you put it through.

Water also makes up much of your muscle, which adds even more importance to it. Drinking enough water will help you lift heavier weight, and while going heavy shouldn't be a big priority for a beginner, it can help greatly speed up your progress.

As a beginner, drinking around eight to ten cups of water is ideal, and the more advanced you get, the more you might have to drink, but as time goes on, you will already be used to that.

You shouldn't drink all the water you need at once as that might cause serious stomach aches and cramps. Drinking your water throughout the day would be much more advisable, and remembering to drink water while working out isn't bad.

To summarize it all for you drinking water will help you lift heavier build muscle, and recover which is awesome for any beginner or advanced athlete in the gym. Listening to your body is important, so giving it its basic needs will help you go a long way in your fitness journey.
