Ryan Hidalgo
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1y ago
Supplements Aren't Necessary for College Students in the Gym
Ryan Hidalgo

You don't need to buy supplements when you start going to the gym, especially as a College student who might be trying to save on money.

To briefly explain, supplements are to supplement a particular nutrient or vitamin you may be lacking. An example might be protein, as you can buy many protein powders to help you reach your protein intake goal.

Supplements do help, but they can be expensive, and for someone in college who may not be able to afford too many expenses, there are better alternatives.

Eating the right foods can quickly help you achieve your goals, and it isn't anywhere as expensive as buying supplements. There are also a lot of easy recipes online to make that you will enjoy a lot more than a shake made of milk and protein powder.

Another downside to using supplements as a beginner is that the lack of knowledge could make you purchase the wrong ones. Too many beginners get overwhelmed by the information behind supplements.

There are many in-depth details about even different kinds of proteins that a beginner doesn't need to know when starting their fitness journey.

One supplement I would highly recommend, despite how pricey it can be, is Creatine Monohydrate which makes it easier to build muscle, and as a beginner, this could help a ton with seeing progress.

To summarize it all, supplements can be a big help in meeting your needs, but they can be expensive and inexperience as a beginner could easily make you pay much more then you need on things you won't even have to take.
