Ryan Hidalgo
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1y ago
The Importance of Short-Term Goals for College Students
Ryan Hidalgo

Making short-term goals is an excellent way to keep yourself both motivated and start building discipline, as the feeling of gratification will make you want to keep going and maybe even fall in love with the process.

It should be clear that progress doesn't happen overnight, and it will take time before you see the results you want, but there is a way to make the process significantly more accessible by making smaller goals that will happen in a shorter amount of time.

Your short-term goals can be things that should only take a week or a month, such as losing two pounds or gaining one pound in two weeks. They don't have to be crazy achievements, just small victories to keep you motivated and consistently start building habits that will turn into discipline, which is the key to success.

The important thing is that you get yourself to enjoy the process instead of wanting the method to go faster. This works in two ways: if you enjoy it, then time will fly by without you even noticing, and secondly, the more you enjoy the process, the more progress you will make.

No one ever enjoys starting most things, but over time, as they get used to it, it becomes a habit, and those habits, if they are positive, can become pretty enjoyable.

In College, for example, when you first start, you aren't a massive fan of all the work you get, but the longer you go on, the more satisfying it is to get an A on an exam you studied for.

This same rule applies to anything in life, but it all starts with your mindset. Trust me when I say it's better to enjoy the process than wish it was over.
