Yaniv Rose
Trained IFS coach and certified Authentic Relating facilitator. @yaniv_rose_
1y ago
Yaniv Rose
If You Are Consumed By The Need To Consume More Information. If You Are Engulfed By Stress, What To Do And Where You Are Heading. Here Is A Small Gift In The Form Of Presence.
Yaniv Rose

Hey reader,

I hope I catch you in a stressful moment. Where consuming is the only thing keeping you afloat. See this as a gift from me in this moment.

I want you to come back to right now.

This present moment.

Not what you need to do or what you regret you didn't. Stop figuring out for this short time.

How do you feel, reading this? Imagine you are a cat. For a cat, the future doesn't exist. Only this moment does.

Take a long breath into now before reading the next line.

And another.

I would loooove if you would read slower. Take your time with each word.

Each sentence. Let it flow into your awareness of the moment.

What are you smelling right now? Are you touching anything? Bring your sensing of now into your awareness.

What if you felt the way you feel right now, all the time?

That's called presence. It allows you, like a cat - to make the best decision in the moment.

You might tell yourself "I'm not a cat, Yaniv. I can't just live my life pretending I am one. I will be committed!"

I mean' that's true. If you start licking yourself in public, you might get some glances.

However, some of the most influential humans on the plant have cultivated this cat-like ability.

You know when you are in the...well...presence of presence.

Everything slows down. You feel at awe and at the same time completely calm and safe.

This is not an innate talent. There are actually MANY ways to cultivate presence. It usually comes from a practice. A practice of coming back to the present moment and staying there.

Just like you did right now.

What could be possible if you met every moment like this, I wonder.
