Yaniv Rose
Trained IFS coach and certified Authentic Relating facilitator. @yaniv_rose_
1y ago

Let me tell you a story about a creator.

He was born all-powerful,

Unlimited protentional.

She was born for creation,

and her fuel was love.

But love came with a price---

Love said, "Don't create like that" and "Not like that".

And one by one, his channels of creation closed.

Her body, meant to create - kept growing.

But his mind, her compass, shrank.

It so it was that the adult creator,

did not know they were a creator.

But there were moments:

Here and there, he would meet other creators and creations.

They would see her for what she is. And for a moment, he would remember.

One of these moments created a new voice in his mind

And the new voice said: "Maybe we should try therapy?"

Alas, she met 5 therapists

and they did not create chemistry.

Just when he was about to give up

and create an evening of netflix and chill,

A zoom call change it all.

SHe felt seen and heard.

It was like they wanted him to create!

They were there for it!

Was therapy the answer for all woes?

Oh reader, I wish I could share with you

the triumph of modern therapy.

But there were falls, complete dives!

She fought, he cried

Created a huge mess or seven

It wasn't heaven

What also rhymes is eleven.

But she started to create!







The more he created

the more he created.

...until he didn't for a while.

And that was OK too.

And then he did again!

FINALLY, the creator met himself.

And all he wanted now?

is to liberate the rest of us.
