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2y ago
My Favorite Podcast Episode For Developing a Mental Framework

I love listening to podcasts.

But there are only a few that I have chosen to re-listened to multiple times..

(A lot are a waste of time, unfortunately.)

If you are at all interested in developing a mental framework , here is one episode worth your time:

How To Fix The Character Deficiencies in Your Life - The Game w/ Alex Hormozi Ep355.

For years, I would dwell on how to I could work on these negative ideas I had of myself.

In this episode Alex explains his views on why the negative self talk we have with ourselves is... Bullshit.

He explains why we have the choice to stop feeding the thoughts.

Why we have the choice to change our perspective on ourselves.

How you just have to choose to do so.

Listening to this shifted my entire perspective on how I speak to myself.

I recommend this to anyone who thinks they aren't "enough" in life.

You are more than enough you just have to change how you speak to yourself
