Aazar Shad
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3y ago
What Podcasting Has Taught Me About Marketing
Aazar Shad

The single most important career skill that I can ever recommend to marketers is to learn storytelling.

Storytelling unlocks copywriting, persuasion, advertising, content marketing, and much more.

I used to suck as a storyteller. And podcasting helped me to become better at it. I don't think I have perfected but at least I know the difference well.

So without further adieu, let me share what podcast has taught me about marketing with storytelling:

1 - Creating Open Loops aka Curiosity

You need to make folks curious as with your headline, episode segments, questions, and one question that you promise to solve when someone hits play. It's hard but if you ask the right question and answer it and then lead with another question that folks have in their mind. You win.

2 - Word of Mouth isn't Hackable

I have released 50+ episodes but my podcast didn't grow. I didn't focus on growth but that made me really the only way to grow and have word of mouth in your favor is through creating a podcast that's worth subscribing to. And, I have not done it yet. So, create something worth subscribing to.

3 - The Only Unique Selling Point is "You"

I listen to many podcasts but my favorite one is My First Million. Why? Because I am in love with the two hosts characters. Now, if they sell me any bull crap. I am gonna buy it. If you figure how to be YOU in marketing. You are going to outcompete everyone else.

So, if you are into podcasting and marketing, may I suggest checking out Growth Marketing Stories? I am sure, you won't be disappointed.

Follow @aazarshad for more SaaS, Marketing & Entrepreneurship Content.


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