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I Just Quit Wall Street: 3 Lessons About Mid-Career Pivots For Professionals

When I quit my 23 year investment banking career this summer, I became financially and professionally free for the first time in my adult life. It was Confusing. Uncomfortable. Messy. Honestly, the whole thing was really challenging—mentally and emotionally.

3 months later, I'm finally discovering amazing pathways for my career pivot. That feeling immediately after quitting was one of the best days of my life, I've been felt the highest levels of peace and happiness in the subsequent months. But the journey was tough.

Here’s what those difficult years of preparing taught me about Pivoting Mid-Career:

Lesson 1: Build An Identity Beyond Your Day Job

Five Years ago, I changed my LinkedIn profile to better reflect my life beyond the day job and start identifying as more than my job title as an investment banking MD. Despite my ego previously driven by my job I slowly managed to evolve my self-perception and manifest an identify that was about more than my work. This genuinely allowed me to walk away without grieving my previous professional identity.

Lesson 2: Pilot New Career Paths BEFORE You Quit

In the five years it took me to quit, I spoke to 100+ people outside my industry to better understand other paths. My contract prevented me from any formal side-hustles but through investing in start-ups and diving into new technologies like crypto and AI I was able to experiment in stealth and pilot new areas of work.

Lesson 3: Work Out The One Thing Holding You Back ...and address it BEFORE quitting

For most folk there is likely one major thing that is the ultimate barrier to quitting. After years or mediation, reading, coaching (and a short stint at business school) my epiphany was that my relationship with money was holding me back and the only way I would walk-away was if I had zero debt.

Within a year I'd sold our house and paid down all debt. 3 months later I quit.

Many colleagues in investment banking felt it was a crazy decision but if it was easy, everyone would do it. If you are on a similar journey I'd love to hear your perspective!

Image credit: @lui1s6 on @unsplash

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