Chandan Kumar
data engineer and architect, taking leaps into building data products, financial freedom, and digital writing
3y ago
How I LOST 10 Pounds In 1 Month 45 Mins Per Day
Chandan Kumar

I will share 3 simple steps which I took while embarking on the journey of getting healthier.

I have always been an athlete and a sportsperson, but after getting infected with Covid followed by Typhoid, and without physical activity, my weight multiplied after recovery.

Path to Fitness

I made 3 simple changes in my lifestyle which anyone can follow.

Step 1: Change the mindset to act - cut the bulls**t excuses

The first change must be in mind to become fit. In the process, you have to stop telling yourself all the bulls**t talk of starting workout after next week, this event, that event, and all. The action has to be taken now.

Step 2: Workout 45 mins every morning 6 days a week

I had incorporated strength training and HIIT to lose weight as they are the effective way to lose weight compared to cardio. My workout routine is as below:

  1. Warmup - skipping rope, squats, pushups

  2. Strength training in morning 5 days a week

    • Target the body part - Chest, Shoulder, Arms, Legs, Back

    • Reduce the resting period to 30-60 seconds

    • Maintain the intensity and form

  3. High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) on 1 day for functional

  4. Surya Namaskar for stretching and breathing

Step 3: Eliminating all the junk food

The final step is to ditch junk food and have homemade vegetarian food. Besides, I have 25 g of whey protein immediately after workout.

With these small change, I am on the way to best shape of my life and you can too.


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