Soon I Reach A New Destination On This My Writers Journey
Andy Anders Sporring

It’s funny how things work out and how all the feelings change over time. Here I am writing on my Essay number 480, and it’s not long ago I wrote my first one. 

My Next Destination

I have decided to end my everyday posting an essay with my essay number five hundred. It’s not that I couldn’t do anymore; it’s just that I have a lot of other creative things going on. 

Among them are:

  • Two books

  • Composing

  • Copywriting

There’s A Limited Amount Of Time

Yes, you know it. And I know it even more. Due to Parkinson, I have fewer hours a day when I have the energy to be creative, and my brain needs its rest, as well as my body. So I usually spend about 4-5 hours a day. Two hours in the morning, Two hours in the afternoon, and an extra some days in the evening.

500 Essays?

Who was I kidding when I said: “I will only do 100 essays”? Then I did the same for every 100 essays. So here I am, going for number 500, and I couldn’t be more proud of what I have done!

Later on, I will collect my best essay and poems and make an e-book of it; I want my Essays to have a life passing the Internet. I hope many of you would love that idea!


Atomic Essay

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