My Final Essay For Now; Number 500, And What I Will Do Onwards.
Andy Anders Sporring

That’s a milestone achieved through sheer hard work, persistence, and dedication. As I reflect on this achievement, I am filled with a sense of pride and satisfaction. But, I will not stop writing or creating even if I have reached this destination. I also am reminded of the quote by Aristotle, "We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit." With this in mind, I will continue my daily habit, hone in on my skills and refine my craft.

My New Challenges

I have my two books planned for later this year. And I’m now focusing on my writing assignments. 

But I also have a plan to give back to the community, I’m going to build a course called ‘Writing For Better Mental Health’! I figure, who will better suited to head over and do such a course than me? The Neuroattentior is in a way part of that too.

Writing And Composition

My plan is also to divide my time between composing and writing. Composing music has the past year become even more a part of my creativity again, after not being able to compose for almost fifteen years. 

Beside the clarinet concertino Solistice, I have an organ piece that will be World premiered at an organ concert in October. I’m also in the process of composing a choir piece, not sure if it will be the first part of a Mass. 

Without Writing

Without writing I wouldn’t be having the life I have now, happily married and with a small but good revenue from my skills. I wouldn’t compose music again, and I might even not have been alive any longer. 

So if your hesitant to start writing and publishing online.
Don’t be, just Press Publish!

Thanks Dickie And Cole, and of course the wonderful Ship30for30 community!


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