It's Never Easy To Write About This...

This essay is about something close to my heart, mainly mental health. There is still a lot of stigma surrounding this, and I want us all, myself included, to think about ourselves, our families, and our friends. And how many people have decided to end their lives due to the pain of living too much?

I Have Been There, Staring Down The Rabbit Hole

I have been there, at the brink of death, staring down the rabbit hole, feeling there wasn't another way out. And I was only six seconds away from not being here today. I can only imagine the damage that could have caused my daughters, sisters, and their families.

Luckily I pulled myself away from the train track, as I could see the terror in the train driver's eyes before the stampeding train ran me over. But, still, when I close my eyes... I can see his eyes and the fear I felt when the train touched my boots. So close and so far away from not existing anymore.

Life Is About Celebration

After an experience like that, you look at life differently and treasure the small things in life more than ever. And for me, about a week after my suicide attempt, I got to know I was going to be a grandfather. (Now, eight years later, I'm a grandfather of five children, three girls, and two boys)!

Life is always better than the alternative!



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