If you're in a relationship with a researcher, you have chosen a tough path.
If your partner is anything like mine, you get to hear long presentations about fascinating (and very niche) research topics until late at night, lots of time for yourself (while your partner is grinding away long hours at the office) and the opportunity to practice your counseling skills when a paper is rejected (thank you, Reviewer 2).
The experience will become even more intense as your partner enters the final phase of their PhD. And as a loving and supportive partner you obviously want to support them the best way you can.
My partner isn't only the stressed researcher you read about above. He has been on the other side of the fence, too, when I finished my PhD in 2019.
Here are 8 awesome things he did for me, and that you can do for your partner, too, to help them through that crazy time:
Always prepared healthy (and not so healthy) snacks and put them on my desk.
Reminded me to take time off and do fun stuff.
Helped me draft a polite reply to reviewer 2.
Made me wake up at 3 am (and got up, too) so I would make a submission deadline.
Encouraged me to hang out with friends even when there was seemingly no time for that.
Listened to fascinating (and very niche) presentations as I was practicing for my defense.
Gave constructive feedback on my writing and my presentation.
Listened to me complain.
Having support is vital to make it through a PhD and a supportive partner is an incredible help. How are you supporting your favorite PhD candidate on the final sprint?