Andrea Perino 🚢0️⃣/3️⃣0️⃣
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1y ago
Tell me how you network and I tell you who you are
Andrea Perino 🚢0️⃣/3️⃣0️⃣

It's no secret: Networking is key for us to progress in private and professionally. Especially at work, networking well can help you advance your career, earn a higher salary and increase your job satisfaction.

But what if the way people network in your workplace (or industry) is not in line with your personality?

Maybe everyone at works is extrovert but you aren't. Maybe you don't fit in as easily because you come from a different professional or personal background. Maybe you even experience your work environment to be toxic and office politics to be played in an aggressive manner and you don't want to use the same strategies. And maybe it's not even your choice because you simply don't get invited to the inner circles where the networking happens.

All these things can make networking hard and intimidating.

But I want to remind you of one thing: Just like any other facet of your personality, you decide what kinds of interactions you want to have and how you want to communicate with others.

You don't need to be extrovert. You don't need to play along in aggressive office politics.

  • Find allies that share your values. Together you may even be able to create political capital and initiate a culture change within your organization.

  • Find mentors in and outside your organization.

  • By "doing you" even in an adverse environment you will inspire others to become more visible, too.

Maybe you don't fit in with the norm but people will notice that you are authentic. And that will pay off in the long run.

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