Andrea Perino 🚢0️⃣/3️⃣0️⃣
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1y ago
Define your personal brand. It will save you time and energy
by Andrea Perino

Most researchers think a personal brand is something only entrepreneurs or influencers need.

But here's the thing: You can't NOT have a personal brand.

It's how you are seen by others and if you don't define how you want to appear others will do that for you. So you better create yours yourself.

As an early career researcher maybe you're thinking "Really? I have so much more important things to worry about. I don't have the time or energy for that kind of stuff."

If that sounds familiar I want to invite you to a change in perspective:

A personal brand means you know who you are and who you want to become. That immediately excludes all the things you don't want to be.

And that means there is a lot of stuff you can from now on just stop caring about.

That conference everyone is going but it's only distantly related to your topic? No need for you to submit an abstract for that one.

A social event with "important" people from an industry you don't want to enter? No need for you to go.

This side-project your supervisor suggests you to do because "it could be interesting"? No, thank you!

Knowing your personal brand means having a North Star. That will help you separate opportunities that bring you closer to who you want to be from those that don't. And saying no to the latter will free up time and energy that you can put into what you really want - being your true self!

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