Angie Frazier-Mohr 🚢
I'm a HigherEd marketer and full-time workin mom. I'm here to share tips about both, with a focus on how small changes & consistency can add up to big results.
2y ago

If you're looking to grow enrollment in higher education in 2022, delivering a stand-out experience to your prospective students is key. In order to do that, you need to understand what information prospects want to know most before they enroll.

Based on data collected from more than 20,000 prospective students from 2020 to 2022, here are the top five things prospective students want to know before they decide where to enroll. Make these things clear and you’ll be on your way to enrolling more students. 

These are not necessarily in order, however, the first two are by far the top two.

Tuition and fees

In Archer Education's post-lead digital experiences and follow-up nurturing, we ask the question: "What would you like to explore first?" 'Tuition and fees' is typically the top answer (although for a handful of institutions it was second). This piece of information is critical in a prospective student’s selection process, yet it is often buried, or worse, not clear on institutions’ websites. It is worth your staff’s time to go through and state the cost of every single program on each program-specific page of your website.

How and where: program pages of your website, your landing page(s), in follow-up communication.

Financing options and how to pay

It shouldn't be surprising that costs and how to pay are two of the most important pieces of information to students in their decision on where to enroll. It's the most important part of any buying decision.

How and where: This one is more nuanced in terms of where it will have the most impact because it depends on the type of program and financing options available. If you are enrolling for a certificate or program where financial aid isn't available, and/or you offer any financing options that are differentiated or that stand out, include them on your website and landing pages and make sure to highlight them. Focus on financing options in follow-up communication (a separate track dedicated to this is a great idea) and always provide a direct phone number for prospects to get answers around financing quickly.

How to apply and enroll

This is an area where quite frankly, many institutions fall short. And I get it. Clunky application and enrollment processes are often out of your control (looking at you, common app). But you can control how you clearly communicate the process and what students can expect. To make it easier to follow, break it into smaller steps, create a checklist, and/or provide visuals. There are many things you can do to make sure students aren't left feeling confused. Don't forget to remind prospects where they are and what is left to complete, as often as you can.

How and where: The key to this one is follow-up. While you should make sure your enrollment process is clear on your website, you’ll want to follow up with emails, SMS/text messages, and phone calls to remind prospects what they still need to complete.

What can I do with this degree/certificate?

Today’s prospective student is looking for value. In fact, affordability ranked in the top 3 most important attributes across all program types. However, that doesn’t just mean the program needs to be inexpensive. It means the outcome has to be worth the price tag. So help prospects understand how the degree, certificate, etc will benefit them.

How and where: Make this information data-informed if at all possible. This type of information is very specific to the student. For example, are they looking to change careers, upskill, or get their first job? If you can tailor follow-up communication about the value of your program to what you know about the student, this can be very powerful.

What is the commitment (how long will it take and how much of my time every day/week will I need to spend)?

Students are absorbing a lot of information, so highlighting as much as possible with bullet points and visuals is key. Here’s an example: Highlight "22 months" as the standout information with “to complete your degree” as the subheading. Make sure to include the daily/weekly or monthly commitment. Prospective students want to understand what it will take to be successful in the program.

How and where: Highlight this information with bullets or visuals on your website and landing pages. Include how you'll help support them in this commitment in follow-up communication.

Simple solutions for big impact

These five things might seem overly straightforward or simple. And the truth is, they are. Yet, most institutions' web properties and nurturing campaigns fail to include every one of the five. So even if you have three of the five, implement the remaining two. And make sure all five are clear and repeated often. Get started today and you'll be on your way to delivering a better experience and enrolling more students.



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