Are you tired of getting sick after every business trip?
Contrary to popular belief, business travel doesn't have to take a toll on your health and well-being. Leverage these 3 tips to stay healthy and avoid getting sick while traveling for business.
1 - Eat real food: When most people travel, they throw their diet out the window. This can lead to digestive issues which can impact sleep and make travelling unpleasant. It requires a little bit of planning - packing healthy snacks or researching restaurants with healthy options ahead of time - but your body will thank you for it.
2 - Prioritize sleep: Travelling across time zones puts a major strain on your body. For example, difficulty sleeping, daytime sleepiness, brain fog, physical exhaustion, emotional distress, and stomach issues. Prioritize morning sunlight, avoid/limit alcohol, daily movement, and consistent sleep and wake times to help your body adjust to the time change.
3 - Move your body: Similar to diet, exercise is another thing that gets thrown to the side when traveling. You may not be able to follow your traditional fitness routine to a "T", but prioritizing movement does wonders. Access to a gym? Hit a 20-minute HIIT session. No access to a gym? Get outside and go for a walk.