My atomic essays
9mo ago
1 Superpower Everyone in the World Should Have
Ayush 🙏

We don't call out our own BS enough.

We know what we need to do, we know how to do it, but we still find ways to NOT do it.

Maybe because the task is unpleasant, its boring, its mundane.

We know it still needs to happen - yet we find ways to avoid it.

We tell ourselves stories, build extended narratives and justify reasons for not doing THE thing we are supposed to do.

We keep coming up with excuses until one day we have no option left but to do the thing. There's no slack in the system, no time left, and we must get it done on a war footing.

We procrastinate until a non-urgent task becomes an urgent one.

Take on unnecessary stress, and keep living life "on the edge".

We keep bullshitting ourselves.

This daily writing challenge is a great example - every day I wake up, I know I have to write the essay, but I still ask myself - do I really have to? What will happen if I don't? Who will notice? Who cares?

Somehow I convince myself that I must write it, then I procrastinate on the timing. "I'll write it later, in the afternoon, then in the evening, maybe at night"

"I don't have any ideas" , "What will I write about" ,"I should have never taken up this challenge", "I'm the stupidest person in the whole damn world" , "gawwwwdddddd!!!!"

I finally sit down to write, spend 1 minute thinking about a topic, and start writing on whatever topic seems interesting at the time.

In 30 minutes my essay is ready.

I spend so much more time procrastinating on the essay than actually writing it.

It's ridiculous.

I keep bullshitting myself.

I need to take a step back, and catch myself making these excuses, and then call out my own bullshit.

If there was 1 superpower I wish everyone in the world had, it would be this - The ability to call out your own BS.

I know it's hard, that's why I say its a superpower.

You need a great degree of self awareness and humility to exercise it. Much more than the average human.

But you would be so much more honest with yourself, and get so much more work done, and in general be so much more content in life.

If only you could call out your own bullshit!


Atomic Essay

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