My atomic essays
4mo ago
Doesn't matter what the data says...
Ayush 🙏

I've been writing an essay a day for 21 days straight now!

I love each and every one of them - doesn't matter what the data says.

But data has annoying habit of forcing you to pick a few "best" amongst your favorites.

Even when you don't want to.

Just looking at these numbers creates bias in my mind.

Top 5 posts based on "performance score" -

- "3 Counter-Intuitive insights about virtual co-working I learned this month"

- "Why am I writing for 30 days straight?"

- "Money is like water - its in unlimited supply if you know where to look."

- "You are not an LLM (or are you?)"

- "First Principles Thinking - How I've used it in my life"

These are good, I enjoyed writing them. But I love some of the poor performing ones as well -

- "Embrace the suck!"

- "Money is a poor measure of value"

- "I'm not an emotion"

- "Competition is for losers.. and winners"

Maybe these are boring unsexy topics, or bad headlines, or poorly written essays entirely.

But I did have fun writing them, and I love thinking about these ideas, so I'll keep exploring them, no matter what the "data" says.

You can't do everything for an audience.

And not every decision can be data driven.

The most fulfilling things to do are the ones that you do for yourself - just for the sake of doing them, without an end goal.

You do them just because you enjoy the process, the craft, the moment.

I feel like that when I write these mini essays.

So I will keep writing them, and I will keep exploring mundane ideas in my head.

I will NOT "lean into" what the data says and write more on topics with higher performance scores.

Because that will make me 1 dimensional - and turn this joyful activity into a chore.

And I'll hate myself for it.
