My atomic essays
5mo ago
Every label is a shackle
Ayush 🙏

Labels are for things not humans.

Yet we assume labels because its easy for other humans to put us in a box.

The need to fit in.

The need to be seen.

The need to be heard forces us to embrace labels -

  • Engineer, Writer, Marketer.

  • Entrepreneur, Creator, Indie Hacker

  • Sportsman, Doctor, Teacher

Eventually all labels become shackles.

We're multi-faceted beings, and while we can be amazing at a single facet of our life for a short period of time.

But we're not meant to do that.

We've evolved to explore different aspect of our being.

Every label that you attach yourself to, your personality will burst through it's seams.

You will feel restricted by it, controlled by it, shackled by it!

You need self compassion to acknowledge these shackles, and break through out of them.

You need courage to admit to yourself that you're more than just a label.

You need self awareness.

Because your entire life you've been told to adapt labels, to change your personality to fit yourself in them.

Society expects you to be attached to a label. So whenever you do something out of it's scope it will question and criticize you.

And you will also feel the urge to stay within it's bounds. To "stay in your lane", to NOT step outside of your label.

But that's no way to live.

You were born without any label.

And you will die without any label.

Then why are you living with one right now?

Every label is a shackle. Break through it!
