My atomic essays
5mo ago
Money is a poor measure of value..
Ayush 🙏

Goodhart's law states that - "When a measure becomes a target, it ceases to be a good measure"

This is more obvious in the case of money than any other measure.

Money was invented as a store and transfer of value among humans.

It was a way to measure how much value someone's work was adding to society. It made sense to have that kind of a measure.

But over thousands of years, money has evolved way past that utility. It's more of a target than a measure now.

If it were a true measure, then teachers, doctors, farmers would be the richest members of our society. But that's far from true.

The richest people in our society are entrepreneurs - folks who have learned to play the game of leverage to their advantage.

And there's nothing wrong in it.

I am an entrepreneur, and I use leverage to create wealth myself.

And I intend to keep doing it to earn lots of money in the future.

As should other entrepreneurs aim to do. That's our role in society - to take risks, leverage resources and create value in the market.

But that doesn't take away from the fact that a doctor working for the rural poor, spending years of his life to uplift the under privileged is way more valuable to society than an entrepreneur building yet another B2B vertical SaaS.

And yet, the entrepreneur will make way more money in his life than the doctor.

That's proof enough for me to say that money is a very poor measure of value someone is adding to society.

But then what is a good measure?

Does it exist? Should we create one?

Can we create one?

Maybe.. maybe not!
