My atomic essays
4mo ago
Money is like water - its in unlimited supply if you know where to look.
Ayush 🙏

Money is like water - its in unlimited supply if you know where to look.

The number 1 mindset shift I've experienced going from employee to entrepreneur in the last 3 years has been around money.

I've started to see money like water.

And how much of you get is only dependent on where you're looking.

When you're a full time employee you think of money as a limited resource. Because you're looking in the wrong place.

You've got a well in your back yard, with limited capacity, and it fills up a fix amount every month. You must manage all your water needs within that limit. That's a scarcity mindset.

You're also lead to believe a false sense of stability - that the well will get full every month no matter what. Which is a dangerous belief to hold.

As an entrepreneur, you step out of your backyard and go out in the jungle - looking for a perennial river. An unlimited source of water (and money) - How much you use really depends on the amount of effort you're ready to put into acquiring water from the river.

First you're naive, so you only carry the water you can carry in your hands.

Then as you mature, you get tumblers and buckets to carry more water.

And as you grow, you start recruiting other people to help you carry more and more water from the river to your jungle home.

With entrepreneurship - there's 1 guarantee, you'll never go thirsty, as long as you're ready to put in the work to bring water.

But there's also the danger of bringing in more water than you actually need - because there's infinite supply, you start believing that you have infinite needs. And it's okay to keep hoarding and more water in your personal reservoirs.

Is that right? Is that good for you? Is that a good thing for people around you?

That is a question worth reflecting upon.
