My atomic essays
4mo ago
Time is the only real wealth - everything else is loose change
Ayush 🙏

Time is the only real wealth - everything else is loose change.

On August 17, 2021 I quit my job to pursue a solo business.

I had no idea what I was going to do. But I knew really well what I was NOT going to do.

Nobody around me understood my dilemma.

Everyone was busy running the corporate rat race. We're drones trained to keep chasing meaningless goals given to us by society. Without ever pausing to question these goals.

When I did dare to question the goals I was chasing - I didn't like the answer.

I had a decent corporate career.

11 years steadily climbing the corporate ladder - going from software engineer to lead engineer to staff engineer.

Every year my income went up.

So did my responsibilities.

And so did my employer's claim on my time.

11 years in, I was making more money than I cared about. But I was also losing more time to my job than I was comfortable with.

I didn't have enough time for the things that really mattered to me. To the things that really added meaning to my life.

Sure, changing the colors on a stupid button would get me a steady pay check every month. But does it really make a difference to anything?

Was that the life I wanted to live?

Clearly not!

So I quit - with some raw ideas around building an independent business.

Since then I've seen many ups and downs in my career

But I've also learned so much in the last 3 years.

10x of what I learned in the 11 years before that. It's been so worth it.

And most importantly, I now have the time to live the life I really want.

To spend with my son, with my wife, with my parents, parents in law, friends and family. And most of all - I now have time to spend with myself.

To focus on my physical and mental health.

To read, to write and to think!

And for that I think I'm a Billionaire - a Time Billionaire!

I may never make a Billion Dollars - but I definitely have a Billion seconds for myself.

I feel the richest man in the world 🤩

Time is the only real wealth - everything else is loose change.
