My atomic essays
4mo ago
Time Zones of Life (and Entrepreneurship)
Ayush 🙏

Yesterday I saw an entrepreneur say that they're 26 and they regret that they were late to entrepreneurship.

I've seen such statements from entrepreneurs aged 36, 46, 56 and even 16...

I'm 36, I started when I was 33, and I don't feel I was late.

I started at the best time for me.. not too soon not too late.

The whole point of entrepreneurship is to build the business you want, on your own terms, at your own pace and in your own time zone.

Life (and entrepreneurship) isn't a race - its more of a freestyle game that you play in your own time zone.

The sun rises in New Zealand 16 hours before it rises in the US.

Does that mean the US Is 16 hours late?

More importantly, can the US do something to change this fact and be "on time"? Can it change its location?

Should Americans wake up 17 hours earlier just to be "ahead" of New Zealanders?

NO! of course not... That's ridiculous!

This is not a race.

You wake up when the sun rises..

We need to look at life and entrepreneurship the same way.

A lot of people compare their life stages to others ad nauseam

  • Age of finishing school

  • Age of getting your first job

  • Age of marriage, kids, car, house and whatnot!

And now they also compare their age of starting entrepreneurship!

These are personal events, unique to you and your own time zone.

You do the when the time is right for YOU. Not based on external goals/factors/metrics or comparisons.

Comparing your age to others is a sign of the toxic "life is a race" mindset which assumes that all of us are in the same "time zone of life"

Which we are clearly not.

Life happens to us at our own pace. Events occur when we're ready for them - not too soon, not too late.

Would you change your life to match someone else's time zone?

NO.. of course not. That's ridiculous!

This is not a race.

You wake up when the sun rises!
