Becky Pierson
Helping Creators & Founders build community-driven products | Leading product @teambossbabe serving a community of 4M female entrepreneurs
2y ago
Meet people who have your dream job
Becky Pierson

Now that you've created your learning strategy, the next most important thing is to meet the people who are where you want to be.

I could say this article is all about "networking" but then you might exit.

This step is actually super fun– meet people who are doing the cool stuff that you want to be doing. Your life will be more rich and full.

Your circle will change.

When you make a big turn, you change your path in life. You'll make new friends, find new things to care about and your relationships will shift.

Be open to building new relationships. This step is not a chore and will not work if you treat it like one.

Slide into the DMs.

Select your north star company and you'll know exactly where to start.

Send a DM to the people in the roles you wish you had. Sign up for events the company is hosting. Meet people who used to work there too.

No one is too "high up" or "important" to DM. We're all just human– ignore the fancy titles and just be you. Not everyone will answer and that's ok.

Get creative to stand out.

Last year I wanted to talk to user researchers that worked at Peloton. I recorded a video talking while riding my Peloton bike (harder than it looks) and sent the video to a few researchers on LinkedIn. They all responded.

Prepare thoughtful questions.

I've joined plenty of connection-coffees where the person asking to meet didn't have great questions prepared. Get more specific than "so what is it like working in tech?". How can this person help you fill your gaps?

Stay curious.

Enter every conversation with an eagerness to learn and these new relationships will serve you well.

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