The Mistake Most People Make ... and Miss Their Potential
Bill James-Wallace

If there is one thing I've learnt in years in the corporate world, it's people do not achieve their potential.

Everybody wants to be successful. Of course, success means different things to different people. But success will only come with a continual focus on the goals we want. Everyone has goals. So why do so many miss their potential.

Once we figure this out we'll see an acceleration towards our goals.

Not the The Mistake

It's not that people don't plan. People spend a lot of time planning. In fact, there is evidence they plan too much and never get around to execution.

It's not that people don't know how to plan. All you need to do is search YouTube or platforms like LinkedIn Learning to Udemy to Coursera and you're good to go.

It's not that they are on their own in their venture. They'll have plenty of allies if they need them and seek them out.

The Mistake

The mistake is simply on follow through. Following the plan.

Most people write good plans. Then they put them somewhere - out of sight out of mind.

Only by following the plan can you grow and adjust. Not everything in the plan will work out. It never does. But only as you follow your plan can you see the opportunities to tweak, modify, adjust ... and make progress.


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