Brandon Fluharty
👋 Welcome! This is where I publicly share the personal operating system I used to go from earning $200K to over $1M/yr without burning out in tech sales. 🐝
2y ago

💡 Before building your first digital product, consider affiliate partnerships to start monetizing your knowledge and testing the market.

A few months back before I launched my first ebook as a full-time creator, I was a busy strategic SaaS seller for a top A.I. company. I wanted to test out ideas around monetizing my knowledge and sharing the tools that helped boost my own performance.

Here's the exact process using a simple affiliate program with WHOOP that helped me earn over $1K from a single, repurposed post on LinkedIn.

STEP 1: Begin sharing all of the various tools you use in your role

As I outlined in this tweet and Atomic Essay, building a tribe that will benefit from your knowledge, advice, and products takes time. It's beneficial to you and your audience to begin sharing all of the things that have helped you excel. Remember to be patient and stay consistent!

STEP 2: Align with affiliate partners you'd be happy to talk about for free

As I was sharing my success daily on LinkedIn as a 7-figure earning SaaS seller, I shared and tagged the tools that helped with my success like Sunsama, WHOOP, Rise, and others. As I did this, they took notice and reached out to me for potential affiliate partnerships. Being authentic pays!

STEP 3: Turn old posts into passive income streams

Because I had been writing consistently on LinkedIn and using Shield Analytics to track my top-performing posts, I could easily leverage old content to promote affiliates and get paid. Having a system helps!

Here was the post for promoting WHOOP on 2/1/22 and the performance:

  • 1 post



  • $50 payout per new member

  • 23 total new member sign-ups

  • $1,150 in sales generated across 3 days




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